Selasa, 15 November 2011

..::: Zero's Story Part 1 :::..

The Story Of Zero

A Long Long time ago.. there's a wizard who created 3 legend sword of chaos.. there's Grandark , Transcendence , and Eclipse.. Besides.. Void the student of Wizard Oz traitor him and stealing 2 Legend Sword is Transcendence and Eclipse.. He trying to get Grandark to but Grandark have a mind to who'll control him.. (grandark's mind). And then Grandark has thrown away from a long distance.. he thrown away in Kazeaze's Castle.. After Void Stealing 2 Legend Sword of chaos.. he destroy his (Wizard Oz) house.. Void trying to kill Oz but he fail.. then Void is trying to find Grandark.. After the Explosion.. Wizard Oz Hatred Void and Created a New Demon that called is Zero Zephyrum.. he wishes to get avenge of him and tell him where's the las sword of chaos is... Zero was created of command to Oz.. Zero is Not pure demon but He's Half Demon and Half Human.. After Wizard Oz Died (He Running out of Energy and bleeding). Zero is antusiasm to Void and search where's the last sword is.. after get Kazeaze's Castle.. Void has arrive before him.. and trying to pull out that Grandark from a deep Ground.. Void has already know that zero was coming.. and the battle zero and void has begun.. Zero haven't any technique to beat Void cause' he is a new creation of Oz..

Author By : Alfian Aries Setiawan
Facebook name : Alfian 'Nites' Chung
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