Selasa, 15 November 2011

..::: Zero's Story Part 3 :::..

Before he's reach the Void's ruin (Thunder Hammer). he's sense there's have a whispering him to get a new power.. but, to get a new power he must to give his soul.. he attract to her whispering.. after landing on the unknown ground.. he sense that monster haven't soul.. just the body who control it by who.. after searching where's the whispering come from.. he get Naa'mah (Nemophilia) whispering to their soul and take them soul.. after zero knew that he trying to escape from her.. but he can't.. grandark is command him to beat her... Grandark tell Zero to kill that Demon Core.. that is her weakness.. after he destroy the Demon Core.. he can escape from his whispering and go to Void's Ruin.. After get that (Thunder Hammer). He see that Void have a new power.. yes. he can teleport wherever he wants.. and the battle EPIC of Void and Zero has begun for the second time.. Zero was out of energy.. because he's used his grandark too much.. after he (Void) knew that Zero was weak.. he trying to kill Zero.. unfortunately, Sieghart and the other is coming just in time.. and trying to help him.. Void see that Sieghart have a powerful sword (Soluna's Sword). he wanted to get that.. and once again he's escape again.. Zero was helped by him.. he's not to thanks for him but, he's angry to himself. "Why i can't stop him by myself?" Sieghart is offer him to join us to chase him (Void). They Destination are same.. to kill that 2 legendary sword of chaos.. THE END..

Author By : Alfian Aries Setiawan
Facebook name : Alfian 'Nites' Chung
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